Dragon Leather is used by high-level crafters in their quest to reach ever-higher crafting levels and experience. As a result, these crafters will buy leather in amounts of thousands at a time. They do not, however, want to take the time to gather dragon hides, take the time to tan them, and then craft.
This higher price they are willing to pay for your to tan leaves a gap for making a good deal of GP. If the market is right, we're talking 1,500,000 GP per hour! The best part about this method is that no skill are required.
This method is a bit different from the other methods, because it depends on the Grand Exchange prices to determine your profits. For this reason, you'll notice this method is on multiple sections of this site. Sometimes it can make 1.5M per hour, making it worthy of the 20M-40M section. Other times, it only makes 600k an hour, making it more suitable for the 10m-20m section. Luckily, with 3 kinds of dragonhides, there is three times more of a chance that one type will be able of make you 1M+ per hour in profits.
There are three types of Dragon Hides that can be tanned: Blue, Red, and Black. When picking the dragon hide to tan, look for the Dragon hide that has the biggest difference between hide price and leather price.
For example, when the picture below was taken, the difference between Red Dragonhide and Red Dragon Leather was about 500 GP.
Considering you can tan almost 3000 Hides per hour, you make a profit of nearly 1.5M each hour! We'll use the above image as an example when explaining the method.
Here's a step by step procedure on what to do:
1. Look for the Dragonhide that has the highest price gap between Dragonhide and Dragon Leather. Let's assume we run across something like the picture above, then we'll buy 4000 Red Dragon Hides.
2. Invest all of your GP into the Dragonhide that you found has the highest price gap between it's leather counterpart. When you are buying it, buy it for a few coins above the average price - buying it at max can decrease profits. Using our example from above, we'll buy the 4000 Red Dragonhides for 4200gp (median price was at 4048). You've spent 16.8M.
While you're at the GE, buy 80-100 energy potions. It shouldn't cost you more than 30k total. Since it's such a small expenditure, we won't include it in our calculations.
3. Head over to the bank at Al Kharid. Equip all of your weight-reducing gear. Spottier cape, boots of lightness, etc.
4. In your inventory, have 27 dragon hides and about 100k coins. Simply run to the tanner just north of the bank, tan all the red dragonhides, and then run back to the bank to deposit your hides.
5. Once you are low in run-energy, just withdraw an energy potions from the bank to recharge yourself.
6. In about 1.5 hours (assuming it takes 1 hour to tan 3000 hides), you will have 4000 Red Dragon Leather. Head over to the GE and sell them for median price. If you're lucky, they will be bought up by some eager crafter at max price.
Profits, Profits, Profits
They say that a picture says a thousand words. Hopefully this one will just say that you can make a bunch of money:
As you can see, from the 4000 Dragonhides were bought, tanned, and then sold. The profit was 2,000,000 GP! The whole process took about 1.5 hours. So you're making profits of OVER 1M GP PER HOUR.
Its worth remembering however, that this method depends on the Grand Exchange prices for Dragonhide and Dragon Leather. The larger the difference, the greater the profits. In case the difference between the two items are small (thus making your profits small), there are alternate methods you can do.
Make no mistake though. When the market is right, this method is unmatched.
So you have around 2 million gp, and now you're looking for a way to enter the double-digit millionaires arena. Well, this guide will help you just do that. And as an incentive to do this method well, know that you can make millions of GP daily with maybe a few minutes of work once you are in the double-digit millions bracket.
Be warned however, this method involves trekking deep into level 20-45 wilderness. Revenants attacks are highly common and occasionally result in death. The percent of encountering a revenant is 65%. With great risk also comes great promise. I have made over 500k an hour using this method. Members can make 1,000,000 gp per hour (see members bonus method). Do not try without at least 50 combat.
1.) Go to the grand exchange and buy muddy keys. Since you have 2,000,000 GP, you can purchase 500 Muddy Keys.
2.) Walk to the wilderness crater. Withdraw some cheap food like trout or wine, and 8 muddy keys. Your food amounts will depend on your combat level and your defense. With 70 defense you shouldn’t need more than 5 trout. With 60 defense. you can bring 8.
3.) Walk to the Lava maze and follow this path. The white spots represent revenant spawns.
4.) Since you don’t have enough run energy to run the entire path you should rest at the exit of the crater and right before the hill giant on the path. These places are the safest from revenants
5.) Get to the muddy chest and use each key with the chest. You can trap the Lesser Demon behind the chest like in the picture.
6.) Loot the chest. Drop the Mithril Daggers and eat your food. Each chest gives you 10k loot, which is 8k profits. 8 keys gives you 64k profit.
7.) Return to the wilderness crater bank.
Profits, Profits, Profits
Each run with 8 keys takes 6-10 minutes. I personally complete them in 8 minutes. If you are members, you can use more keys per trip with summons like Spirit Terrorbird and the Pak Yak. More on members muddy-key running after the profits.
If it takes you 8 minutes each trip (average time), you can make approximately 8 trips per hour. You can make a profit of 64,000 GP per trip. So each hour you make a profit of
8 Trips Per Hour x 64,000 GP Profit Per Trip = 512,000 GP Profit Per Hour
If you are member, keep reading. If you are a free player, enjoy this method and good luck making 500,000 GP per hour. This is the best F2P method available to get you to the double-digit millions range.
Members Bonus Method (1,000,000+ GP PER HOUR!)
If you are a member, you could make TONS more money with this method. Follow these tips to maximize loot potential.
1. Wear the right gear. You should wear: Helm of neitiznot, Spottier cape, Amulet of glory, Abyssal whip, Black d'hide body, Black d'hide chaps, Forinthry brace(5), Boots of lightness, Jennica's ring.
This gear gives you a good balance between strong armor and good mage protection. Other items decrease your weight. The Forinthry Bracelet is vital because it allows you to teleport away when Revenants have cast teleblock.
2. Use your summons. The summons that really help here are Fire Titans and Pak Yaks (or other item carrying summons). Use your Lava Titan to teleport you to the start of the maze. Run through the maze indicated in the map above. Have your Pak Yak hold 30 pizzas, gems, and bars.
3. Get out of the maze and use Amulet of Glory. Run out of the maze using the same route you used to enter it. Run South West towards the Forgotten Cemetery. Use an amulet of glory to teleport you to Edgeville once you reach level 30 wilderness.
4. Bank, dismiss, and repeat. Once you reach the bank, deposit all your items. Dismiss your Yak. It's nice because there's a summoning obelisk just outside the Edgeville bank. Then repeat the procedure using your Lava Titan.
With this members version, you can run 162 keys per hour given you have the levels for it. Your expenditure will come out to a bit over 700K. Here's what the spending spread goes to: 162 Muddy Keys (640k), 9 Lava Titan Pouches (35K), 9 Pak Yak Pouches (33K), 40-50 Cheap Food (3k). That comes out to 700k in expenditures.
When using those 162 keys, if you keep the coins, Uncut Rubies, Anchovy Pizza, Mithril Bar, Law Rune, Death Runes, and Chaos Runes, the total value of all those items come out to....
1,900,000 GP!!
Now if you subtract your expenditure of 700K, and if you can run 162 keys per hour with your summoned familiars, your HOURLY profits come out to....
1,200,000 GP (PER HOUR!)
That will get you to 10M in a few short hours. However, keep in mind 1.2M per hour requires you to have a pretty high summoning level.
Best of luck reaching the double digit millions. Watch out for revenants!
P2P 1GP-2M Money Method: Collecting White Berries
Members have a straight, direct shot to 1M gp. And it only takes only an hour to get from 1GP to 1,000,000 GP. This method is as simple as picking up something from the ground... In fact, that's pretty much what this method is about: Collecting White Berries!
Here's a video explaining everything. Or keep reading for a text explanation.
White Berries are items that go for a whopping 2500gp EACH on the Grand Exchange, and are relatively easy to collect in amounts of thousands. They have a very fast respawn (appearing on the ground) rate. Due to the fact that they are used by many high level potion-making players (who usually don't have the time to go out there and collect these berries) in order to make super-defense potions, this item will stay high in demand (meaning there will be someone out there wanting to buy these berries from you).
The place to collect them, at Red Dragon Isle, does not have any requirements with the exception of items you could purchase, but it is a lot riskier because you are going into the wilderness and face the threat of Revenants.
However, assuming not everyone has access to Lletya, we will be looking at Red Dragon Isle since everyone can access that location.
- Anti-Dragon Shield
- 57 Woodcutting
- Amulet of glory(4)
Inventory should not include anything.
You need the Dragonshield, any hatchet and the glory.
It is recommended to have Weight Lowering equipment (Eg: Boots of Lightness)
Getting There
Start off in Edgeville with the required items. Head east to the Canoe station and make a 'Waka Canoe'
(This is why you need 57 Woodcutting and a hatchet).
Ok now head to the wilderness via the Waka Canoe (There is normally no-one this far in so dont worry, if you get attacked run to level 30 wilderness and teleport out via Glory, then I recommend world hopping).
Once there use the map below to get to the berrie spawns. (I normally set my blue marker in the red circle so I know where to go).
You only need to use one berry spawn because they spawn within 1-3seconds.
Once you have an inventory run back out the gate and back to the canoe spot, keep running past that until you are level 30- wilderness. Then use your Glory to teleport to Edgeville, bank and then repeat the process from the start
After your inventory is full with white berries, run to level 30 wilderness and teleport out to Edgeville with an Amulet of Glory. Use the Waka Canoe to go back to the location.
If you do not have 57 Woodcutting, you cannot use the Waka Canoe. In that case, you can use a games necklace to go to the Wilderness Volcano. From here, you can run to Red Dragon Isle, then run back to bank. It takes a bit longer, but it gets the job done. Just remember to drink some super energy potions while you are at the bank so you can continue your running on your collecting adventures, thus allowing you to make more money in less time.
Money Made!
One inventory = 70560
One inventory takes about 2minutes.
Which makes 30 runs per hour.
70k x 30 = 2116800!
Thats an amazing 2mil per hour! Thats selling at the guide price though (takes 1-2days to sell).
Selling at 2k (Sells straight away)
One inventory = 56000
One inventory takes 2minutes.
30 runs per hour.
56k x 30 = 1.6mil per hour selling 500gp below guide price!!!!!!!!!
Hope you make some extreme profits from this guide.
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